2020-03-24 10:35:00

「華富財經傑出企業大獎2019」頒獎禮活動花絮 (2分鐘)

【華富財經傑出企業大獎2019】,已於2020年1月14日假香港瑰麗酒店 (Rosewood Hong Kong) 圓滿舉行,18間獲獎公司代表及嘉賓共同見證大獎踏入十一周年,並一同祝賀業界優秀企業的出色表現,分享獲獎喜悅。是次頒獎典禮廣受業界傾力支持,獲得中外媒體廣泛關注和報導,盛況空前。 The Award Ceremony of Quamnet Outstanding Enterprise Awards 2019 was successfully held on 14 January 2020 at Rosewood Hong Kong. 18 awarded companies’ representatives and honourable guests attended and witnessed the 11th Anniversary of the Awards. With celebration of the remarkable achievement, the Awards gained wide support from the business community and media from both Hong Kong and overseas. 更多相片&花絮: event.quamnet.com/QOEA2019/